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LONDON - The Hotspot for Indian Fraudsters

Why Indian Fraudsters Escape to London?

United Kingdom is ideal Place for Fraudsters
United Kingdom is Ideal Place for Fraudsters.

We have heard several times that fraudsters like Vijay MallyaNirav ModiLalit Modi, etc have fled away to London after committing huge monetary frauds in our country and not only them various fraudsters from around the world escaped to London after committing frauds in their respective countries. So, the question is, why these fraudsters like Vijay Mallya, Nirav Modi prefer London as their ideal destination and not another country? Are they safe there? let's understand and find out the real reason why these fraudsters prefer London as their ideal destination.

top Indian Fraudsters
Top Indian Fraudsters.


Fraudsters are welcomed at United Kingdom
Fraudsters are Welcomed at the United Kingdom

Anyone who has committed fraud in their country and plan to escape that country with all their wealth then the United Kingdom welcomes them on the condition that one should bring an abundance of wealth to their country, they provide different facilities to them like the GOLDEN VISA, this is the special visa to enter the United Kingdom and can be obtained if you invest £2Million in their country, after which you can easily stay in that country for a long time, they also provide various facilities by which you opt to stay there for a lifetime but for that one should have an abundance of wealth with them. Not only the U.K. several other countries also try to attract money into their economy by using similar kinds of practices like if we talk about SWITZERLAND they attract a lot of wealth on the name of Secrecy and allow people to deposit their Black Money in Swiss Banks which helps them to develop their GDP and Economy, if you wish to know more about the same then you should refer this Article about how Switzerland allows people to deposit their Black money.


india requested united kingdom for its Fraudsters
India Requested U.K for Its Fraudsters

In the recent past years,  Indian Government has requested the U.K Government to return 131(approx) criminals back to India which includes the likes of Vijay Mallya, Nirav Modi, Lalit Modi, Tiger Hanib(suspect of 1993 Gujrat blasts), Nadin Saifi (Murderer of T-series founder), etc. The U.K Government denies to return them to India by making various excuses that they are the Signatories of European Convention of Human Rights, which means that if the British Courts feel that any person can be tortured or have to serve Death Penalty or any country wants that person for any Political Reason then they would not return that particular person to that respective country, but as we know the truth that the U.K is protecting those fraudsters for their wealth and investment in their country.


The United Kingdom has become the favored place for fraudsters as the Law and the Government of the country is quite favorable for them, but as we say, that to every problem there is a solution. Fraudsters can be caught or recovered from the United Kingdom if the Government is pressurized from all fronts like when U.S.A pressurized U.K Government to return back their 130(approx) fraudsters only 10% were not returned to them, so it is quite possible to recover or bring back the majority fraudsters if the Government is pressurized. If you found this article/Blog interesting share it with others and if you want more such interesting Articles Subscribe by dropping your email and do not forget to leave your thoughts in the comment section below.



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