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Positive Effects of Coronavirus on the Environment

Positive Effects of Coronavirus on the Environment

mumbai during lockdown
Mumbai due to a reduction in pollution levels.

The Novel Coronavirus has been a disaster for the entire World, took lives of several people, lead to thousands of Job Losses, destroyed several families from around the World, various developing Economies have come to a halt because of the Lockdown situation, businesses are suffering Enormous monetary losses, there been a huge fall in the price of crude oil, it's like a Bad Dream, but as we say every negative side has its own positive side. Coronavirus has been a blessing in disguise for our Environment, and we all are witnessing the drastic change in our surroundings, the Sky has actually turned blue, the air has become cleaner and similar news reports are pouring in from the Worldwide. So let us understand What is the impact of Coronavirus and Lockdown on the Environment? and What can we learn from it?

Reduction in the levels of Nitrogen-Dioxide & PM 2.5

reduction in nitrogen dioxide due to lockdown
Reduction in NO₂ levels due to Lockdown.

Nitrogen dioxide or (NO₂)is a toxic gas emitted from the engine of carsbusestrucks and from factories. World Health Organization(WHO) states that if this gas is more in concentration than 200 micrograms per cubic meter then it can cause an enormous inflammation in your breathing pipe which can cause problems like asthma. Presently, because of this lockdown, the number of cars plying on the roads has become lessfactories have shut down and because of that the concentration of nitrogen dioxide in the air has fallen drastically.
reduction in Particulate matter 2.5 due to coronavirus
Reduction in PM 2.5 Levels due to Lockdown.

Particulate matter 2.5 or PM 2.5 is another deadly form of Air Pollution it is so small that it can travel from your lungs into your Blood which will not only cause respiratory problems but also cause Heart Attacks and can also lead to Premature Death. It is so lethal that the World Health Organization estimates that more than 4 million people are killed due to PM 2.5. Now because of the Lockdown, even the PM 2.5 levels have also reduced Worldwide, and because of this, several lives of people will be saved who die because of Air Pollution.


Yamuna River during Lockdown
Yamuna River due to Lockdown

Not only Air, but the water of our river is additionally becoming cleaner Delhi Jal Board Vice Chairmen, Raghav Chaddasays that due to the stoppage of industrial waste there has been a beneficial impact on the water quality of River Yamuna, also a 40-50% improvement has been seen in the water quality of River Ganga.


climate change
Change in Climate due to a reduction in Pollution levels.

All of us are aware that Carbon dioxide emissions are responsible for Climate change. If you look at the historical data of where the worldwide carbon-dioxide emissions are emitted from, then you will notice that the transportation sector has the massive contribution in it, and obviously, during the lockdown, there has been a decline in all of itlesser number of cars are plying, lesser planes are flying, so there is a massive decline in carbon dioxide emissions. But how much massive? Experts are predicting that this is the biggest decline in carbon dioxide emissions after World War 2. Approximately, a gradual decline of 5%.


renewable energy
Promote Renewable Energy.

It is a profoundly depressing situation for everyone because of the Corona Virus, but also there is a golden opportunity. Opportunity to restart the economy in a more ideal situation, the government can utilize this opportunity to push the Renewable energy industry, when the government will transfer money to the industries to revive the economythe government should focus more on renewable energy which will benefit the environment. Maybe we should try to ensure such lockdowns every year in a planned manner, so the entire population of the country realizes and observes how clear can the air and water become, all can have a glimpse of the potential of where our country can reach. What do you all feel about this? Write your thoughts in the Comments section below. If you found this article/blog informative kindly share with your loved ones so they can also understand and realize the positive effects of Corona Virus on our Environment.



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