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Showing posts from April, 2020

Positive Effects of Coronavirus on the Environment

Positive Effects of Coronavirus on the Environment Mumbai due to a reduction in pollution levels. The Novel  Coronavirus  has been a disaster for the entire  World , took lives of  several  people, lead to thousands of Job  Losses , destroyed  several  families from around the  World , various developing Economies have come to a halt because of the Lockdown situation, businesses are suffering Enormous monetary l osses , there been a huge fall in the price of crude oil , it's like a Bad Dream, but as we say every negative  side  has its own positive  side .   Coronavirus  has  been  a  blessing  in  disguise  for our Environment, and we all are  witnessing  the drastic change in our  surroundings , the Sky has actually turned blue, the air has  become  cleaner and similar  news reports  are pouring in from the Worldwide.  So  let  us  understand  What  is  the  impact  of  Coronavirus  and Lockdown on the Environment?   and  What can we  learn  from it? Reduction  in t

LONDON - The Hotspot for Indian Fraudsters

Why Indian Fraudsters Escape to London? United Kingdom is Ideal Place for Fraudsters. We have heard several times that fraudsters like Vijay Mallya ,  Nirav Modi ,  Lalit Modi , etc have fled away to London after committing huge monetary frauds in our country and not only them various fraudsters from around the world escaped to London after committing frauds in their respective countries. So, the question is, why these fraudsters like Vijay Mallya, Nirav Modi prefer London as their ideal destination and not another country? Are they safe there? let's understand and find out the real reason why these fraudsters prefer London as their ideal destination. Top Indian Fraudsters. INVITATION FOR FRAUDSTERS BY UNITED KINGDOM Fraudsters are Welcomed at the United Kingdom Anyone who has committed fraud in their country and plan to escape that country with all their wealth then the  United Kingdom welcomes them on the condition that one should bring a

Swiss banks - Ideal Place for Black Money

Whenever there a fraud in our country, we often hear about  SWISS BANKS and also our government tells us many times to bring back the Black Money from the SWISS BANKS .  So, what makes Swiss banks different from other Banks?, and why convicted Rich people overwhelmingly prefer Swiss banks as an idle destination for hiding their Black Money. SWISS BANKS ARE IDEAL FOR BLACK MONEY. ⦁  THE BANKING LAW OF SWITZERLAND. Account Details are not disclosed to anyone. As per the Banking Law of  Switzerland , the  bank  officials are  not  allowed  to  reveal  the  official name  and  other   personal   details  of the  Accountholders  to anyone without the  official permission  of the  Government , they are  revealed   only  on the   special   instructions  from the  Swiss  Court and the court passes such  instructions   only   when   there  are criminal charges against the Account Holders  like   Moneylaundering ,  Fraud, etc.  So the accounts maintained with the  Swiss