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Showing posts from June, 2020


INTRODUCTION Hello Friends, today's blog is going to be educational and related to your personal finance . In this blog, I will educate you regarding mutual funds. What are mutual funds? How to invest in it? All the necessary information regarding it, being a common man or a beginner investor, all the information you will get in this blog. Let's start. VARIOUS TYPES OF INVESTMENTS. Various types of Investments. Friends, every month when your salary is credited then you keep some part of that salary as savings. You keep some money for your later use, maybe for emergency or if you want to buy the house, or car and you save for that, so what are the ways to save. One simple way is that you keep your salary as it is in the bank and it gets collected. It's a very bad way friends, because such money loses their value, Inflation is increasing in our country and due to that the price of the commodities are increasing too. So, the value of your money keeps decreasing every year by